Immediately before the final period began, the coach would point to David and begrudgingly insert him at right fullback for the requisite minimum amount all kids must play. 就在最后一节比赛开始前,教练会指指戴维,心不甘情不愿地把他塞到右后卫的位置,以达到所有孩子必须踢足的最低时间要求。
Like Facebook, Felda's profits fell in the final reporting period before its listing. 和Facebook一样,在上市前的最后一个报告期内Felda的利润出现下滑。
Annual growth is expected to have accelerated for a fourth successive quarter to 11.6 per cent, up from 10.7 per cent in the final period of 2009, and substantially above the 6.2 per cent growth recorded a year ago. 预计一季度GDP年增长率将达到11.6%,为连续第四个季度增长,大幅高于上年同期的6.2%。2009年末季GDP增长10.7%。
The gouache cut-outs of Matisse's final period are perhaps just an adaptation of this procedure. 削减的水粉画的马蒂斯的最后期限奏也许只是一个适应了此过程。
The parameters of many software functions, such as e.g.a final ventilation period, can be set by the operating personnel on site. 其还提供很多软件功能的参数设定,如:后吹扫的时间等可由操作人员就地设定。
I only hope he is prepared to use his possibly final period in office boldly. 我只希望他能做好准备,大胆地利用或许是他最后一届任期的这段时间。
As you approach the final period of chaos, know that it can only go so far before our influence and authority will take over. 由于你们在接近混乱的最终时刻,要知道在我们运用自己的影响力和权限完全取代之前它只能走这么远了。
I forgot, that final exam during final period. 我忘了,期末考试是安排在期终的时候。
Keep calm and trust those that have your future in their hands, as your final period in duality will end very soon and you will progress in accordance with your previously agreed life plan. 继续保持平静,信任那些把你们的未来当作他们最大任务的人,因为你们二元世界的最后时刻将要很快结束,你们将依照你们过去同意的人世计划来完成你的进程。
There will be a three hour comprehensive examination, during the Final Exam Period, at a time and place to be announced. 在期末考试期间有一次三小时的综合考试,考试时间和地点将另行通知。
He didn't attempt a field goal in the final period. 他并没有在最后时刻尝试投篮。
A final exam will be given during the scheduled final exam period. 期末考则会在预定期末考的期间内分发给你们。
The cultural prosperity in Shaoxing usually emerged in the wartime or the final period of a dynasty and when the throne and dictatorship were out of control. 绍兴的文化繁荣一般出现在乱世和末世,出现在王权、专制失控的时代。
We are now on the final beta test period which will take one week. 我们现在是在最后的测试期将于一周。
Like homework for me at the time was actually fun; and there is some addictive about this; Tej and I even asked Tej during last year's final exam period. 对我而言就像当时做功课一样,但是真的有趣,我有点上瘾了;,在去年的期末考试期间我还请教过。
All competitors qualified into the Final event will be automatically listed into the "best trick" competition which is hold in the Final period. 所有晋级全国总决赛的选手,也仅限于晋级选手,都将自动进入全国总决赛阶段的“大绝招”比赛。
It will all happen in a relatively short time, and the final period before Ascension will be a beautiful uplifting experience. 这都将会发生在一个相对而言非常短暂的时间里,并且在“扬升”之前的最后时期会是一个美丽的提升体验。
The political reform implemented in the final period of the Qing Dynasty brought about radical and substantial social transformation as was unprecedented in history. 近代中国社会的转型变迁,比较迅速和突出的阶段正是清末“新政”期间。
The novel of the final period of the Qing dynasty is in a transform period when the novel is very flourishing in quantity but lacked in quality, and the school of Yuan Yang Hu Die is in fad. 清末民初是小说由古典走向近代的转型时期,小说非常繁荣,但仅限于数量上,鸳鸯蝴蝶派小说横行一时。
In the final period of Qin and at the beginning of Han, owing to the popularity of huang lao thinking, scholars comparatively attached attention to Zhuang's theory. 在秦末汉初,由于黄老思想的兴盛,学者们对庄学还是比较关注的。
The law of the decay of turbulent energy and the expression for the scale of micro& turbulence from the initial to the final period of decay together with the double velocity correlation thus calculated all agree very well with the experiments of Batchelor and Townsend. 由此计算的包括从变初期到衰变后期的整个范围的湍能衰变规律、湍流微尺度关系和二元速度关联都与Batchelor&Townsend的实验符合得很好。
In the final growing period, if irrigation requirement is excessively more, it can significantly reduced the grain yield, protein content, lysine content of winter wheat. 生育后期过多的灌溉会明显降低小麦籽粒产量、蛋白质含量和赖氨酸含量。
The characteristics of accumulation and distribution of fibre flax is gradual increasing with the evolution of growing, and slow decreasing in the final period. 纤维亚麻干物质积累与分配特点是随着生育期的进展逐渐增加,后期缓慢下降。
Through first 3-year study, the proposed target was achieved, and positive effectiveness for chronic disease control obtained, as a result, a good foundation and managerial experience have been obtained for the further implementation in the final 2-year period. 经过前三年的研究达到了预期目标,取得了对慢病控制的肯定效果,并为课题后两年进一步的实施奠定了良好的基础,积累了管理经验。
The conclusion is that the PSO with dynamic accelerating constant and coordinating with inertia weight ( WCPSO) may overcome the disadvantage of the standard PSO which easily converges in local extreme point in the final period of searching process, and it has better performance. 3. 结论是采用动态加速常数协同惯性权重的粒子群优化算法,可以克服标准粒子群算法搜索后期陷入局部搜索的不利之处,算法具有良好的性能。
In the final acceleration period, the shorter the discus duration within certain trajectory, the faster the release speed can be realized. 4. 而最后加速阶段铁饼运行轨迹一定时用时越短,铁饼出手速度就会越大,成绩越好。
The evolution of fixed star having something to do with nuclear reaction, the star generally loses partial mass in its final period and finally collapses into compact star ( white dwarf, neutron star or black hole). 恒星的演化与核反应有关,演化到晚期的恒星一般要损失一部分质量,然后坍缩成致密星(白矮星、中子星或黑洞)。
Secondary education for each semester during the regular final exam paper less, for the final exam period for the impact of language teaching junior high school is even more rarely involved. 对于初中教育中每学期例行的期中期末考试较少论述,对于期中期末考试对于初中语文教学的影响就更少有涉及了。